You can watch the introduction video about the new commercial and industrial construction …

You may have seen the introductory video about the new commercial and industrial construction division. Today we introduce you to someone who deals with the trades that complement the Terhalle Group’s spectrum, e.g. drywall construction, HVAC, electrical and painting work. 👨‍🔧👷‍♂️🎨 “I am a service buyer,” is how Daniel Jackisch introduces himself. Ultimately, his area of responsibility requires in-depth knowledge of the market and, not least, the ability to make the right decisions for the group of companies. To be honest, there is not that much construction work that is not yet covered by the group of companies. In the still young commercial and industrial construction sector, Jürgen Hubbeling and his team carry out all commercial construction projects, agricultural buildings and existing buildings for customers. Here you will find further information – now enjoy our short video. 🎥🤩 #TerhalleHolzbauGmbH #Terhalle Group #CommercialIndustrialConstruction #WhatDoesAprofessionalBuyerActuallyDo #EverythingFromOneHand

