The #muensterlandzeitung reported on our fundraising campaign this week …

The #muensterlandzeitung reported on our fundraising campaign this week. 🤩🚀 We, the Terhalle Group, have made a generous donation totaling €6,000. Of this, €3,000 was donated to the Eltern- und Freundeskreis für Menschen mit Behinderung Ahaus e.V. and a further €3,000 to the Kinderkrebshilfe Münster e.V. children’s cancer charity. 😃 Heike Mönkediek and Michael Koopmann […]

Did you know that the Terhalle Group has eight different locations?

Did you know that the Terhalle Group has eight different locations? 📍 🏢One of them is in Melle, and that’s exactly where we introduce you in this video. Frank Lauhoff and Cornelius Dichtelmüller, as Frank Lewers says in the video and supported by working student Lea Busch, contribute their expertise as architects to “support” the […]

Daniel Ellerkamp, 3rd year carpentry apprentice, reports on his …

Daniel Ellerkamp, 3rd year carpentry apprentice, reports on his internship abroad in Australia in our blog! Take a look! 👈🛠 #terhalle #blogbeitrag #new #blog #ausbildung #nachwuchsförderung #terhalletischlereigmbh

How do the processes in the newly created commercial and industrial property department …

How do the processes in the Terhalle Group’s newly created commercial and industrial construction department work? 📝 🤩 Under the umbrella of the fast-growing company, authorized signatory and department head Jürgen Hubbeling is working with his colleagues to transfer the project expertise of the timber construction specialist to the important market segment of commercial construction […]

Barrier-free planned detached house with granny apartment as an efficiency house 40 …

Barrier-free planned detached house with granny apartment as an efficiency house 40 🏡😊 This private project was planned by Susanne Schamp’s team and focused on sustainability from the outset. Over 500 m² of living space was created on the existing plot with maple and beech trees 🌳🌲 , spread over two floors. Our cellulose-insulated timber […]