The #muensterlandzeitung reported on our fundraising campaign this week. 🤩🚀
We, the Terhalle Group, have made a generous donation totaling €6,000. Of this, €3,000 was donated to the Eltern- und Freundeskreis für Menschen mit Behinderung Ahaus e.V. and a further €3,000 to the Kinderkrebshilfe Münster e.V. children’s cancer charity. 😃
Heike Mönkediek and Michael Koopmann from the Parents’ and Friends’ Association accepted the donation on behalf of the children. The money will be used for leisure activities such as going to the movies and the annual summer party at Hof Eilers. The association, which has been supporting people with disabilities in the Ahaus region for over 40 years, is once again benefiting from our support. 🤩
The fundraising campaign took place as part of our traditional Christmas party on December 20, 2024. We would like to thank all employees for their great participation and commitment. 🥳🤝
#corporate group hall #donation campaign #employee heart #tollesteam