How do the processes in the newly created commercial and industrial property department …

How do the processes in the Terhalle Group’s newly created commercial and industrial construction department work? 📝 🤩 Under the umbrella of the fast-growing company, authorized signatory and department head Jürgen Hubbeling is working with his colleagues to transfer the project expertise of the timber construction specialist to the important market segment of commercial construction projects. In the video you can see Jürgen, project manager Tobias Lansmann-Niehaus and service buyer Daniel Jackisch. It quickly becomes clear: commercial and industrial construction is also about teamwork. 💪 🤗 What is to be carried out where; which installation parts need to be recorded where in terms of time; and which services come from within the group, what may have to be requested externally? One thing is clear: a construction project, especially for a production facility, agricultural hall or a re-use project, is like a complex interplay. To ensure that everything comes together seamlessly in the end – from the floor plan to the structural calculations to the construction schedule – experts should definitely be on board. You can find more information in our video. 🎥 #TerhalleHolzbauGmbH #Terhalle Group #Commercial and industrial construction #Teamwork #Project success means planning #From professionalsFor professionals

